FXTM Invest is our innovative copy-trading program. It was developed by FXTM’s Research & Development Department. FXTM Invest offers the opportunity:
Investors can follow suitable traders’ strategies (Strategy Managers) and profit from the Strategy Manager’s overall growth. You can become an investor even if you have limited knowledge and experience in forex, or limited time but would still like to trade the financial markets.
Strategy Managers share their trades and can earn up to a 30% profit share when they generate profits for their Investors.
Strategy Manager on Advantage Plus: 1000 USD/EUR/GBP
Strategy Manager on Advantage MT4: 1000 USD/EUR/GBP
Investor: 100 USD/EUR/GBP
This page gives you insight into all the active Strategy Managers, their statistics and rank based on overall returns.
The Ranking of a Strategy Manager is calculated based on his or her overall returns minus the Profit Share, while taking into consideration the following:
The table is updated every one hour. You can select a Strategy Manager from the table and view his performance, this information is updated once a day.
The data is Live.
Advantage Plus and Advantage MT4. You can find full details and specifications here.
There are no limits to the potential gains you can receive with FXTM Invest. However, there is always an element of risk in trading and profit is not guaranteed.
No, there are no extra fees.
As many as you wish.
A percentage of the profits (from 0% - 30%) that are rewarded to the Strategy Manager for his/her positive performance.
You can find more information on our Definitions page.
These are several posts written by Strategy Managers in order to give their investors an overview of their trading strategy and/or trading schedule. The news provide Investors with additional transparency and insights into the Strategy Manager’s style and progress. Posts will appear on a Strategy Manager’s page in the ‘News’ tab.